Who we are

Welcome to our Nursery

Join Playway Nursery and set your child on the path to a bright and successful future. Our aim is to provide a nurturing and engaging environment where your child can achieve success and develop a lifelong love for learning..

Integrative Approach

Experienced Staff

Safe Environment

Appropriate Curriculum

Parental Involvement

Enrichment Programs

We believe that play is the best way for children to learn. Our qualified teachers design activities that are suitable for each child’s age and interests, and that help them grow in self-esteem, confidence and social skills.
We support children to be independent, while keeping an eye on their safety and well-being.


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“Contributing makes Us feel like we’re being useful to the planet.”

What we do

Explore our Programs

upto 2 Years

2 – 3 Years

3 – 4 Years


What the Parents Say

Shiam Ahmed Said Ahmed Esmail


دائما أبحث لأولادي عن الأمان و النظافة و التعليم وأخيرا وجدته في حضانة طريق اللعب ابني يدس بها حضانة جميلة و مشمسة وهذا شيء مهم للأطفال و يهتمون باللغة العربية مع المعلمة المميزه مروة و اريد ان أخص بالشكر صاحبة الحضانة ميس سناء انصار و فريق العمل بالحضانة لحسن تعاملهم مع الأطفال و الجهود المبذولة لتعليم الأطفال بطريقة سليمة ابني يحب الحضانة كثيرا شكرا لكم

Faith Joubert


Thank you playway nursery teachers for the hard work you put in, day in day out for our kids. Your patience, kindness, singing those lovely nursery rhymes over and over again, telling those cute little stories and being able to patiently listen to the kids when they tell you their stories too. You make learning for our kids fun and interesting. When our baby came to Playway, she had never been without us since birth, it was a hard transition for all of us, but you did amazing with her. Now she loves going to school, she loves her teachers too. The school is safe, colourful and a great place for the little minds to start blossoming from. They are more than just teachers, they are the stars that make our kids shine. We wish you all a happy teachers day. Keisha's mom and dad

Samir Noumi


ابنتي تدرس بحضانة طريق اللعب اريد ان تتقدم بجزيل الشكر لصاحبة الحضانة ميس سناء انصار و الإطار العامل بها لحسن تعاملهم مع الأطفال و الجهود المبذولة لتعليم ابنائنا بطريقة سليمة ابنتي تحب الحضانة كثيرا شكرا لكم

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